Personal growth is an important part of being an entrepreneur.
Grow yourself and your business
Understanding yourself and your values are what helps you to drive your business. Determining your values will help you to make every decision count when it comes to your business. Once you know and understand your values, it’s easy to ask yourself, “does this align with my values?” If the answer is yes, then you’ll know it’s the right choice. That knowledge can help you grow yourself and your business.
Great resources for personal growth.
Author Andrea Jones is a business and leadership coach who has written such books as “Leading The Big Show” and “Step-by-step Marketing Guide for Your Small Business” to help leaders become stronger and more decisive in their business goals. I recently had the opportunity to see this author speak and she really resonated with me as a business owner.
I provide all of my new clients with a copy of Ms. Jones’ book, “Step-by-Step Marketing Guide for Your Small Business” as a resource for getting their business off the ground or improving their already successful business. The exercises in this book really help business owners to tap into perhaps unrealized niches and allow them to think outside the box of “marketing” in the traditional sense.
Many business owners struggle to produce the financial results they want, and need, for their businesses. It’s not because they don’t have a good idea, or business know-how, most often it’s because they don’t know how to market their business to the right people, with the right message, to create those results. That’s where The Step-by-Step Marketing Guide for Your Small Business comes into play. It is hands-down, the easiest and fastest way to get the knowledge you need to build your brand, carve out the niche that’s right for you, develop a message that resonates with your ideal client, plan your marketing campaigns, and measure their effectiveness. Once you read this book, and follow the straightforward exercises, you will know exactly how to market your business in a way that will produce results you desire.
Andrea has released a new program called “Step Into Your Power– Determining Your Values” which helps leaders to obtain personal growth by working through exercises to determine their values. The program runs over three months and includes 3 group Q & sessions as well as 4 one-on-one coaching calls with the author herself. The material is easy to work through and really causes you to think about what’s important to you. Once you’ve made those determinations, it becomes easy to make decisions that will benefit you personally and professionally. Through a series of exercises, you’ll really hone in on what’s important to you and therefore providing clarity to what choices need to be made in your business to make it more successful. Andrea’s flexible communication style will benefit anyone looking for business coaching; she’ll be able to walk you through the tough questions and make you reflect on what’s important to you, helping you to see the answers that were there all along.
For more information on her books and available courses, visit Jonesing For Leadership